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Friday, April 11, 2014

The Gun Rights and Liberty News Roundup for 4/11/2014

WRSA presents a thorough comparative analysis of the gun rights rally in Connecticut last week and the current goings on in Nevada over property rights. Good reading.

David Codrea writes about "flower-shell" products. It seems a guy wants to distribute a product that allows shooters to fill shotgun shells with flower seeds.

Mike Vanderboegh provides the latest from former CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson on what is really going on behind the scenes in the mainstream media.

Traction Control shows us all of the latest products he has added to his gun store inventory as of today.

Tam discusses the fact that many shooters lament the cost of current-production Smith & Wesson revolvers.

Oleg Volk blogs on a very important consideration in these economic hard times -- less expensive shooting practice.

Way Up North has the must-read quote of the day.

Brigid posts some important thoughts to ponder in a piece titled, "Never Forget."

Gateway Pundit displays some more unintelligible gibberish from the wicked witch of the west.

Days of our Trailers wants to know what LAPD officers have to hide, given their actions of late.

CLO calls our attention to the interesting topic of engagement distances on the part of citizens in self-defense situations.

Christian Mercenary discusses "into the whirlwind' as the tension mounts in the Nevada cattle case.

Pamela Geller warns that a group of Islamic academics and reporters has launched an initiative called "Islam for Journalists" which shows reporters how to write news stories that involve the Jihad.

Alphecca reports that the Albuquerque, NM police have been cited for using excessive force.

Roberta X has a comment or two on the new Beretta Smart Gun -- the A400 Xcel.

Stand Up America warns that Americans apparently are going to have to beware how they donate. Your employer might fire you if you give to the "wrong" cause!

Irons in the Fire supplies a pretty good break down of the mega-scandal involving the IRS.

Blue's Blog provides "the liberal media gun guide."

90 Miles from Tyranny asks, "How about a little common sense?"

The Firearms Blog gives us a complete report on ammo prices. Take a look.

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